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Big Data x ESG

Section 1: Conducting Research by ESG Data in Industries

Through the PPTs, readers will be introduced the different kinds of ESG data and how they can be applied for research in industries to reveal corporate performance. Representatives, from commercial data providers, CSMAR, SynTao Green Finance (STGF) and YougiVest will introduce their available databases and how industries can apply them to evaluate their ESG performance.

First of all, Prof. Louis Cheng introduces an i-Score (intelligence score) for ESG rating which is used to show the overall ESG performance of an organizations. The i-Score serves as a divergence-adjusted rating system regarding an investment portfolio ( and which helps present the sentiment performance of an organization. A number of 3-D diagrams help readers to visualize the ESG performance in terms of i-Score Universe (z-axis), RavenPack sustainability sentiment score (x-axis) and YougiVest net ESG Score (y-axis) of different performance levels. The i-Score facilitates the comparison of sentiment performances among organizations and the decision-making process of investors.

With the PPT slides from CSMAR, SynTao Green Finance (STGF) and YoujiVest, readers are introduced to different commercial databases and how the data captured help researchers in industries. CSMAR briefly introduced their 19 series and 212 databases in specific E.S.G. areas. Readers can have an overview of the different ESG performance items and also the current hot topics of discussions. In additional to the services and products available in STGF, it presents the ESG Rating Framework and its data processing approach. Some ESG data applications are illustrated with examples that include ESG and factor-investing, ESG single-factor investment strategy and mutual fund ESG evaluation. YoujiVest believes that positive ESG performance contributes to corporate performance and economic well-being and social sustainability. Its mission is to provide the most trusted, bias-free and innovative data solutions tailored to China’s ESG and climate applications for investors, corporates and policy makers.

For detailed content of the 4 PPTs, readers can gain access to the following PPTs.

Section 2: Relevant Articles

The Five Digital Building Blocks of a Corporate Sustainability Agenda

Written by: Rich Hutchinson, Hamid Maher,
Romain de Laubier, and Tauseef Charanya

The data from the article prove that business digitalisation and ESG are interrelated. ESG goals play a vital role in digital transformation. Companies that put ESG goals as a top priority focus were nearly twice as likely to succeed in digital transformation. The priorities of focusing on E, S and G vary depending on industries, for example, people-centric industries focus on social initiatives while energy companies and industrial goods manufacturers focus on environmental initiatives. Similarly, the priorities of initiatives vary by region. Asia is more likely to prioritize governance initiatives while North America and Europe put social initiatives first. Yet, ESG goals may drive success in digital transformation, no matter which initiative is the top priority.

The article, therefore, advocates integrating digital technologies with ESG. It suggests a mindset called “technology ecoadvantage” which uses advanced technology and work methods to achieve profitable solutions that also positively impact ESG goals. The article suggests that several prerequisites are important for the advancement of ESG initiatives.

AI Is Essential for Solving the Climate Crisis

Written by: Hamid Maher, Hubertus Meinecke, Damien Gromier, Mateo Garcia-Novelli, and Ruth Fortmann

The article conveys the prospects of using AI for combating climate change. The reporting organization conducted a survey about the views of AI and climate leaders worldwide on AI and climate change. The majority of the private sectors agreed AI is a helpful tool in fighting climate change and more than two-thirds of private sectors wanted governments to provide more to support the use of AI for solving the climate crisis.  These data show that the companies are highly interested in AI and believe the value of AI creates for the climate crisis and businesses.

The article further lays out methods in which AI can be used to alleviate climate change issues and measure emissions. However, it reveals the reasons for low access to AI to tackle the climate issue. Therefore, the article provides several solutions for the higher adoption of AI.

© 2023 by Research Centre for ESG

Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund.

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